Thursday, October 21, 2010

Night 1: Success! And Shockingly Cozy.

Although my neck and back are sore in a few places (apparently my air mattress doesn't compare with my wonderful bed for back support), I woke up this morning to find myself surprisingly warm and cozy - and decently well-rested!  Of course, we've got several days of rain coming up in Seattle, so we'll see how warm I remain soon...

Here's the latest YouTube clip from last night right before I went to bed.  My aim will be to get my boyfriend to snap pictures of me during the night so you can see that yes, I'm actually under there, but at least for tonight, we swapped his iPad for my sleeping bag in his car and he booked it home.  I wonder what people would pledge if he were to sleep under there for a night too...the air mattress is queen-sized...ah the cogs are whirring. :)

Have a great Thursday!

Net STRIKE!  I'm sleeping outside under a bednet in Seattle so children in Tanzania can too.  I'll sleep out on the deck, bednet overhead, until November 4 (i.e., when I leave for the NYC marathon) or $10,000 is raised for my Team Malaria No More fundraising campaign, Lives for Lubomba.  To support this campaign, simply scroll down the page to the button "Click Here to Donate Now."  Thanks so much for your support, "saving" me and children's lives in Tanzania.