Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Net Strike Begins

Yes, it's really happening: commencing tonight, I will sleep under a bednet on my apartment deck - effectively "going on strike" from my comfortable and warm bed inside - as my final fundraising campaign for Team Malaria No More.  The strike ends when I either raise $10,000 through Lives for Lubomba or leave for New York City (and the NYC marathon!) in 14 days.  It's up to you, oh faithful blog readers, whether you will save "me" from the increasingly cold - and rainy (!) - Seattle nights by donating to Team Malaria No More and thus helping me achieve my goal of maximally supporting Tanzania's malaria control initiatives.

Throughout this chilly journey, I will document "Net Strike" here on this blog, as well as discuss why you should care about improving malaria control in places like Tanzania.  Please feel free to send this blog around to friends, family, and fellow malariaphiles - every person's awareness and support of the fight against malaria is important and greatly appreciated.  Plus, I have pretty bad circulation.

Thanks so much for your part in the fight against malaria, and I look forward to seeing you on the other side - warmth - of "Net Strike."

Taking the malaria fight to Katete, Zambia.

Bednets or Bust,

Net STRIKE!  I'm sleeping outside under a bednet in Seattle so children in Tanzania can too.  I'll sleep out on the deck, bednet overhead, until November 4 (i.e., when I leave for the NYC marathon) or $10,000 is raised for my Team Malaria No More fundraising campaign, Lives for Lubomba.  To support this campaign, simply scroll down the page to the button "Click Here to Donate Now."  Thanks so much for your support, "saving" me and children's lives in Tanzania.